first time lambing assistant

first time lambing assistant

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Romney ewes have started lambing

Arch and I walked through our Romney ewes (indigenous to Kent) yesterday to find that one of them had started to give birth. These ewes are on a separate site and were not due to give birth until mid April so we were quite surprised. They are lovely ewes and very docile.

I also got stuck in with an assisted birth back on the farm yesterday. One of the legs had not come through, so the lamb had to be pushed back inside, so its leg could be found before pulling it out. The massive orange disposable gloves are really for calving, but I am not yet comfortable lambing without gloves - give me time!

We have been very lucky with the mild weather recently, but the wet weather that we are due to have over the next few days will mean that we will need to be extra vigilant, as we do not want to leave any newborns out in the field as they could suffer from hypothermia.

You can purchase biodegradable plastic jackets for newborns, but Archie is yet to be convinced....



  1. Hi Laura
    Robert doesn't have Facebook so could you send him the blogs via email.
    I think your blog is excellent.
    L xxx

  2. Thank you. Yes, happy to do so xxx
