first time lambing assistant

first time lambing assistant

Thursday 17 March 2016


It is an absolutely gorgeous morning. Archie has been taking ewes and lambs to a new site for grazing. As each lamb is loaded into the trailer (with its mum!) we tag their ears with a yellow tag and then record the number on the tag allocated to that lamb.

We are moving 30 from the barn this morning. Our trailer will take up to 30 ewes but we will only take 10 at one time as we will be taking the lambs with us.

I will take some photos of the tagging process.

Here is a still of a lamb being born and a couple of cuties in the shed. The liquid coming from the head of the newborn is mucus and has to wiped away from its airways as soon as it is born so that it can take its first breath.

Lamb number 1 is still paralysed and is not walking. We also lost one of the triplets from ewe 21
in the night sadly. It did not get enough milk from its mother so we stomach tubed it and put it under a heat lamp but she just didn't make it frustratingly.

I went to check on our 58 Romney in lamb ewes last night and one of them was cast (rolled over and couldn't get up). Managed to right her and she walked off - phew!

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